Convert Lal to Tola, Gram, Aana and More

Find how many Lal is in 1 Tola or other traditional units like Gram, Aana, and more.


Weight Conversion Multipliers Table

Understand the conversion factors between traditional units like Tola, Lal, Aana, and Gram. This conversion chart is highly useful for understanding the relationship between these units, especially in regions like Nepal, where these traditional gold measurements are commonly used.

From / To Tola Lal Aana Gram
1 Tola 1 100 16 11.66
1 lal 0.01 1 0.16 0.117
1 aana 0.063 6.231 1 0.729
1 gram 0.086 8.547 1.372 1

Frequently Asked Questions?

There are approximately 100 Lal in 1 Tola. This is a standard measurement widely used in Nepal for gold trading.

1 Aana of gold equals 6.25 Lal. Since there are 16 Aana in a Tola, dividing 100 Lal by 16 gives the value per Aana.

1 Gram of gold contains approximately 8.58 Lal, based on the conversion of 1 Tola = 11.66 grams and 100 Lal.

Tola equals exactly 16 Aana, a commonly used unit for gold in Nepal.

1 Lal of gold weighs 0.1166 grams. This is calculated by dividing 11.66 grams (1 Tola) by 100 Lal.

1 Lal equals 0.16 Aana (16 Aana ÷ 100 Lal).

1 Tola equals 100 Lal, and 10 Aana equals 62.5 Lal. Together, that makes 162.5 Lal.

50 Lal equals 0.5 Tola (50 Lal ÷ 100 Lal per Tola).

Each Aana of gold contains 6.25 Lal, based on the standard conversion of 1 Tola = 100 Lal.

1 Aana of gold equals 0.7287 grams, derived from dividing 11.66 grams (1 Tola) by 16 Aana.

2 Tola of gold equals 200 Lal (2 × 100 Lal).

75 Lal of gold equals 8.745 grams (75 × 0.1166 grams).

60 Aana equals 375 Lal (60 × 6.25 Lal per Aana).